Dream Mixer BTC - Absolute Bitcoin privacy

Dream Mixer BTC is a Bitcoin tumbler service that safeguards consumers' privacy while they utilize the bitcoin blockchain.
Without mixing, it is straightforward for anyone in the world with an internet connection to track down your bitcoins. Since the Bitcoin protocol is open, it is simple to learn about your transactions, balance, and habits.

Exact Amount Transfer?

Transactions below the minimum limit ( 0.005 BTC) are regarded as donations
Your cryptocurrency will be paid to the aforementioned addresses in varying portions.
No transactional data or logs are kept in our fully automated system.
When will my coins be returned?

The return rime will br 6 hours

How much does it costs?

Service fee: 3.5% + 0.0007 BTC

For how long the address is valid?

A generated address is valid for 7 days

Giving people a modern anti-tracking technology

Protect your anonymity is the job of our mixer btc. So if implemented properly, a Bitcoin tumbler can make tracing funds extremely hard. Decentralized blockchains are immutable, which means that the data entered is irreversible. For Bitcoin, this means that transactions are permanently recorded and viewable to anyone.

Top level anonymity on bitcoin network

In order to compensate for the insufficient confidentiality of Bitcoin transactions and considering the necessity of preserving the privacy of users, we offer a way to keep bitcoin transactions entirely private, to obscure who sends what to whom. One of the most popular methods is to use a Crypto privacy tool, also known as a tumbler. We offer a tool that jumble up an amount of bitcoin in private pools before spitting them out to their intended recipients.

What is the Process of the Anonymous Blender Mixer?

The fact that Bitcoin permits some anonymity in user transactions is one of its features. Many individuals within the ecosystem believed that Bitcoin transactions were safe and confidential when they first started in 2009.

That is untrue now, and users are now concerned about transaction anonymity. Transactions and wallets can be linked back to the user's identity just by knowing their Bitcoin address. All transactions are documented on the public Bitcoin Blockchain.

All transactions are recorded in a public ledger, making it simple to connect wallets and transactions to their actual owners. Given the dangerous nature of investing in cryptocurrencies, a solution that ensures anonymity is therefore necessary.

This necessity gave rise to bitcoin mixers . We can combine your coins across multiple transactions on our platform. The outcome is rendered untraceable.

Your bitcoin address cannot be found by hackers or any other user of the blockchain through your operations.

A lot of people prefer to use Blockchain mixer to get better protection. Dream Mixer BTC gives you the ability to muddle the trail of your coins, allowing you to keep your Bitcoins private and worry-free.

Your bitcoins are put through a mixing procedure by the mixer, which also sends new bitcoins at random from addresses that are unrelated to your previous ones. The service creates a time delay once you deposit bitcoin on the Crypto privacy tools, and when it expires, it delivers additional bitcoins to your withdrawal address.

This is how the system operates, and mixing your coins doesn't require registration or other personal information. Because it is practically difficult to link your original coins with your freshly obtained coins, some users refer to the bitcoin tumbler as bitcoin fog. Because our service doesn't keep any logs our service doesn't keep any logs, even if the security of the service is breached, it won't assist the attacker learn anything about your transaction.

What is Happening to the client's Bitcoins?

The first step is to put the funds in the pre-mixer, where they are combined with bitcoins from other service customers. We ensure that the traceability of those bitcoins is completely eliminated by sending them to exchange accounts around the world at the conclusion of the premixer process, where they are mixed with bitcoin from numerous other users of the same exchanges. No one will be able to connect the bitcoin you sent and the one we send you. Our solution entirely breaks the connection between transactions for input and output.

How well is my privacy protected by a bitcoin mixing service?

Use a bitcoin mixer if you believe your privacy has been compromised. Anyone with access to their wallet's address can view all of their transactions and balances. These individuals may be friends who you give money to or third parties who you pay for goods and services from. With the help of our bitcoin mixing service, you may enjoy your bitcoin without worrying about this information.

Making use of a BTC mixer is a proactive way to protect your privacy. Many individuals overlook the fact that, contrary to popular belief, cryptocurrencies are not entirely anonymous. They are actually pseudonyms. That is, he will be fully aware of her financial situation if he can link his wallet to her identification.

About the algorithm / BTC Mixer / BTC Tumbler

Our algorithm incorporates the best features of already-existing bitcoin mixers . It was created to completely make Anonymous Bitcoin and includes the option to accept BTC from the most prominent exchanges around the world.

We don't mix your assets in one or more funds, and neither do our Cryptocurrency obfuscation orders, which lack tracking information and identity. Using alternative approaches that include the utmost level of anonymity, we do not need to mix codes.

This entire system is fully random and automatic; no portions of output quantities need to be manually set to forwarding addresses, and we don't allow mixing times.

No registration / No logs / Anonymous.

We don't keep logs; all data required for transaction processing will be deleted as soon as the job is finished and the transaction is confirmed, or after the address life expires for unfulfilled requests.

In order to increase the privacy of your assets, which is specified on this letter of guarantee, in which it is specified the useful life of the address for non-executed requests, our bitcoin mixer system does not keep records or logs. Instead, the information provided by the user is automatically deleted at the end of the service.

Jambler.io provided us with the latest bitcoin mixing software / 24x7 Support

In order to provide our users with ongoing support and protect their cryptocurrency anonymity making Untraceable Bitcoin transactions our Service is entirely automated and available around-the-clock.

Our top goal is protect your privacy, so we don't maintain records or logs. However, our services are subject to following the terms of our guarantee letters, so you should always keep them , contact [email protected]

The entire Dream Mixer BTC team and Jambler.io technical support will be happy to answer any questions and provide the necessary assistance to your request regarding this Privacy Bitcoin service.

[email protected] | www.jambler.io

Letters of Guarantee / PGP key

Our service offers "Letters of Guarantee" that are digitally signed and demonstrate our service's obligation to mix bitcoin with you at 100%. To provide you the further security of being able to handle any issues that may occur, you must retain these letters of guarantee on file until the conclusion of the mixing service.

These letters of guarantee are texts sent to you by Jambler.io that contain the details of your contract with us. They affirm the commitments the system has taken on for you and serve as documentation for any potential issues with technology or other issues.

Each Mixing Order generated by our system comes with a guarantee letter that has been digitally signed and attests to the commitments that have been agreed upon with the client.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our bitcoin mixing system uses a cutting-edge algorithm that is entirely distinct from those used by traditional BTC mixers to make Untraceable Bitcoin transactions. We have bitcoin that has been verified by the most reputable exchanges in the world as well as by private investors. When these bitcoin pass through the exchanges themselves and are mixed with the coins that all users have already deposited, the level of anonymity is increased and there is no risk for our users to obtain bitcoin that is dubious in nature. It is also already possible to move these bitcoin completely anonymously.

Through the use of the guarantee letters, which they must save until the proper conclusion of the procedure, all of our users are safeguarded against unintentional mistakes or malicious activities. The guarantee letter must be submitted with every claim.

When our system notices the first confirmation of the incoming transaction made by the user to the address mentioned in the assurance letter, the process to bitcoin tumbler can take up to 8 hours. To limit the risk of tracking, our system delivers you your bitcoin at random times. In this case, the time can be anything between 6 and 8 hours, and the bitcoin will be returned to you in random amounts and at random intervals.

1 confirmation is enough to accept a transfer.

At least 0.005 BTC is required to perform a trade on our bitcoin tumbler.

The maximum limit for an order on our bitcoin tumbler service is 50 BTC, This limit is necessary since it is very easy to track very large amounts of bitcoin in a single transaction; the ideal limit is 5 BTC, however our system allows for many transfers per order. The system also enables you to produce as many mixing requests as you'd like. The more orders you create, the more anonymous they will be because they will be harder to trace.

Transactions below the minimum limit (0.005 BTC) are regarded as donations, making a transfer of such an amount is unnecessary, and the network cost may be greater than the amount sent. However, if you unintentionally performed such a transfer, you can contact our support team at [email protected], and they will look into your situation.

Our fee for the Anonymous Bitcoin service is 3.5% of the amount sent and a fee of 0.0007 BTC.

No information is kept on our systems; instead, it is all deleted as soon as the operation is performed, or, in the event that deposits are not received, when the created address reaches the end of its useful life. The only documentation of our performance is the guarantee letter.

In addition to giving you a Bitcoin address where you can send your funds to be mixed, we also give you a digitally signed confirmation that the address was produced by our server just for that reason and no other. You will always receive a copy of this communication that has been PGP-signed and can be validated using the public key. The only evidence of our commitments is contained in this letter of guarantee, so it is crucial that you maintain it until the service is complete.

For this, a pgp client is necessary (for example PGP4Win), the public key is imported, and the guarantee letter is verified with it.

After being created, these addresses are still valid for 7 days. We believe that this time frame is adequate to fix all issues that have emerged, such as delays or transfers stalled in mempool, and to ensure the preservation of our clients' assets. These issues could arise from the network or from the sender.

You should not be concerned because the Bitcoin blockchain mechanism is automatic. You can track your transaction in any Bitcoin block explorer, like blockchain.info. You can track the transaction yourself from that site by inputting the address of the assurance letter.

Everyone should mix bitcoins for excellent reasons, but those that use Darknet Markets in especially must do so. Private companies and governmental organizations are constantly developing new technologies to improve awareness of the blockchain and the ability to follow currency across it and identify users. Even though it might seem pointless right now, in the not too distant future it might be simple for anyone (including friends, family, employers, and law police) to follow every BTC transaction you've ever done and determine exactly where it ended up. It is definitely a precaution that all users should take to break the link between their addresses and the money' final destination.

Dream Mixer BTC is available on The onion network, which offers more privacy.

TOR onion Url:

Jambler.io PGP fingerprint:

B8A5 CFCA F63F F2D8 384A 6B12 D3B2 8095 6F0E 7CAF

Follow the link to download a public key to verify the letters of guarantee provided by the system. Powered by Jambler.io